So exciting exciting, I am now officially done with college forever! So strange. I also now get to go into major find-a-job freak out mode since my summer jobs are coming to an end and I would like to keep my apartment (which unfortunately requires rent, bummer!). Oh yeah! I moved! EXCITING! No longer do I live in a house that only I really cleaned with an evil landlord, no, now I live in a totally cute apartment with actually nice neighbors and less space to clean. Ah so faaantastic. Of course, new apartment also means new decorating which is something I greatly enjoy. Luckily, my lovely lovely roommate/apartmentmate is pretty laid back and doesn't care too much about decorating. This is good because I moved in earlier than her and got rather excited. The decorating is allllmost done--we just got our kitchen in order (yay Ikea for spice racks) a few days ago--and the only thing I lack to pull of my final touches are largish picture frames. All I really want is 11/12'' by 17/18''. Not so easy to find. I'm really trying to no longer live in a college house anymore and live in a grown up apartment. It's working pretty well, I'd say. No more girls in lingerie in the bathrooms (although they were funny), and no scantily-clad pictures of Heidi Klum that my landlord left (thank god). My biggest problem with the place is the lack of kitchen space but amazingly enough, Julie (housemate) solved all this thanks to some random neighbor leaving an Ikea wonder cabinet--the photo on the left, one down from the top. Also I should note that these photos are slightly out of date now, but you get the idea.
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