In case you couldn't tell, I spent quite a lot of time and effort on that project. However, I also spent quite a lot of time and effort (much more, in fact), on a different project: my thesis. The official title is: Through the Magic Mirror: Exploring Sexuality in the Imaginative Fiction of George MacDonald and Lewis Carroll. Here are my acknowledgments, just for fun: "I would like to thank my family for encouraging and indulging my love of fairy tales, my advisor for letting me run with my topic and reassuring me at every meeting that my ideas actually worked, Quinquin and Princess Brioche for listening to me ramble about dream and mirror worlds, Tom for helping me see Alice in a new light (and for letting me tell him more than he ever wanted to know about repressed sexuality), and everyone else who encouraged me and supported me throughout this entire process. Thank you all, I could not have done it without you guys." Haha. I still can't really believe I'm done with it. I should mention that I set myself a due date (it's due Friday of Renn Fayre, technically, but man oh man do you NOT want to have to turn it in that late) and then a absolutely-must-be-done date. I turned it in by the second (the Weds before Renn Fayre). I got up early on Wednesday and went to my thesis desk (you get a desk in the library or an office, depending on your major) to finish editing. I skipped my only class that morning to finish (bad I know, but seriously worth it), and around 11 I finished reading it over and doing last minute edits. I remember I sat up in my seat, looked up at the shelf above my desk and away from the computer and said to myself, "I think I'm done." It was probably one of the strangest feelings I've ever had in my life. I had finished this thing I worked on for an entire school year. Something that was entirely my own, for better or for worse, something I had come up with, research, found a point and argued, all the way I wanted to. Now once you finish your thesis you must go print it out--in correct format--and take 4 copies to the registrar so they can check it before you're good to go. It's very scary to be there when they check it. I had to go back and fix my title page to say "department of literature and languageS" instead of "department of literature and language." No worries, though, I got it all turned in and got my laurels. Laurels are these plastic gold wreaths that seniors get upon completion of their theses. This shows that 1) you're a senior and 2) you're pretty freakin amazing and awesome because you're done with your thesis. Once you have them you wear them constantly and forever and people congratulate you.
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