Halloween is my favorite holiday, well, it's tied with Christmas, but I mean seriously, how can you not adore the idea of getting all dressed up so strangers will give you candy?! So here are my top 10 favorite Halloween costumes that I've either seen or been (not in any particular order):
1. A praying mantis. Freshman or sophomore year I was at the big Halloween party my school throws and I looked up to see a guy on green stilts, holding some kind of arm-stilts, wearing all green, as a praying mantis. It was pretty impressive since he managed to not only walk in stilts in costume, but he also didn't step on anyone.
2. A cupcake. My lovely friend Angie has the most fabulous Halloween costumes and for the past few years she has been doing food-related costumes. To be a cupcake she wore: gold American apparel leggings, a gold cupcake wrapper that I'm guessing she made out of cardboard (?), a ruffly blouse, and a ruffly white hat that she my have made too.
3. Dead little red riding hood. This was one of my costumes last year (yes, sometimes I get a little carried away with costumes...). I wore a cute little red and white checkered dress with an apron attached that I got at goodwill, I added another petticoat thing underneath, white fishnets, black flats, and a red satin-y cape that my mom made me. Then I powered my face a bit to make myself look a bit more dead and topped the costume off with bloody wolf scratches all over my face and neck. For those who aren't quite as fairy tale obsessed as I am, Perrault writes a different version of little red riding hood where she gets killed by the wolf. That's the version I was.
4. A donut. Again, my friend Angie. This time she wore a krispy kreme shirt and an inner tube around her waist that she painted brown and decorated with "sprinkles" that she made out of something or other. She's clever that way.
5. Twister. My friend Maeve's mom made her the most adorable costume last halloween that she made out of a twister mat. She cinched it it around the waist and made the cutest strapless dress and put a petticoat under to puff it out. Maeve topped the costume off with an jauntily-angled hat made out of a twister board.
6. The "Welcome to Oregon" sign. My sophomore year this girl wore a cardboard sign around her neck cut out in the shape of Oregon. She wrote "Welcome to Oregon" on it and wore cute little reindeer antlers. Of course, this costume is only really amazing if you live in Oregon and know the sign I'm looking at.
7. One of those creepy blue-glove guys from firefly. Easiest costumes ever: get a black suit, white jacket, black tie, and blue hospital gloves. Totally easy, totally creepy, and unusual enough to get you excited when someone recognizes what you are.
8. A herd/pack/squad of unicorns. A bunch of girls did this in a group which really makes it that much better. They each were a different color unicorn and made their horns out of rolled paper (I think). Then they dressed up in the appropriate color to match their horn. The costumes mainly involved tutus and glitter and colored fishnets, but the fact that they went as a pack is what really made it cool.
9. A dead tennis player. My friend Leah dressed up as this for last halloween and did a lovely job. She wore a rather uninteresting white polo shirt and some kind of tennis-y pants. She cut a tennis ball in half and poked holes in it that she attached to fishing line or shoelaces or something to tie around her head. over one eye. She mussed up her hair to, and, to really make that dead-tennis-player look come across, she added a few drips of blood coming out from under the tennis ball.
10. Cupid. A few years ago one of my friends, Erlend, decided to let two other friends dress him up for Halloween. He promised to wear anything they wanted. Well, lucky for him, he isn't too modest, since they returned from the thrift stores with only pink feathered wings, gold sequined boy-short underwear, and a pink-spray-painted crossbow. He went along with it and even allowed them to sprinkle glitter all over him. One of the best costumes in quite a while.
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