As I mentioned in my last post, along with the corn, I found green and yellow zucchinis as well as potatoes at the market. I'd forgotten about these for a few days, and when I remembered, I figured I should really eat them as soon as possible. However, being a small person, two zucchinis and several potatoes are a lot for one meal. This led me to think of something I could make that might last for a few days and not get boring or soggy. I decided to make a variation of Smitten Kitchen's Herbed Summer Squash and Potato Torte (http://smittenkitchen.com/2008/07/herbed-summer-squash-and-potato-torte/). The original recipe is fantastic as well, but I decided I was too lazy to look up exactly what she put in it and make it as best I remembered. Plus, I wanted to use up the rest of the artichoke stuffing I had left over.
Zucchini and Potato Torte (adapted from Smitten Kitchen)
-1 yellow zucchini (sliced into thin rounds--not too thin or they get too mushy)
-1 green zucchini (same as above)
-2 purple potatoes (sliced into thin rounds--thinner that the zucchini since they take longer to cook)
-2 red potatoes (same as above)
-about a stalk of minced celery
-1/4-1/2 a white onion, finely chopped
-a few sprigs minced rosemary
-a few sprigs minces oregano
-a few sprigs minced thyme
-a few spoonfuls of flour
-finely chopped ham (I'm not sure how much I used since I used pre-sliced lunch meat that I had on hand--so a few slices of that, I guess)
-grated Parmesan and mozzarella cheese to taste (depending on how much cheese you want)
-toasted breadcrumbs
-olive oil
-salt n pepper
To Create:
-Preheat the oven to 375/350 depending on how hot your oven gets (mine gets really hot)
-Butter/oil a round 8-9'' cake pan
-Assemble the potatoes in concentric circles until they fill the the bottom of the pan in a single layer
-Do the same with the zucchini
-Sprinkle lightly with flour and cheese--not so thickly that you can't see the zucchini, but enough so you'll be able to taste it
-Sprinkle on the ham, herbs, breadcrumbs, celery etc
-Add salt n pepper to taste
-Drizzle lightly with olive oil
-Repeat until there isn't any more zucchinis or potatoes
-Be sure to save the enough cheese/four/ham/etc for the very top
-Stick it in the oven and cook, covered, for 20-30 min (again, my oven runs hot) and then take off the cover and cook for about 10 min or until you stick a knife in and it goes in easily.
-Let cool slightly and scoop onto a plate, or now that I think about it, maybe scoop it into a bowl!
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