My baby brother graduated from Dartmouth and in celebration (both for actually getting him packed up and out of the dorm on time and for graduating in four years) we took a quick family vacation to Bermuda. I had no idea how close Bermuda was to Boston. Just a quick, two-hour flight later and you're on a tropical island with turquoise ocean and pink sand beaches. Yes, they are really pink, but more on that later.

Lovely, right? Our last night there was a couple sharing a bottle of champagne in one of these love seat chair things watching the sunset. Pretty perfect. My favorite part about Bermuda, besides the obvious sun and warm water, was how formal it was. I've been to the Caribbean before, as well as Hawaii and various other tropical places, but this was a different feel. The hotel we stayed in hosted a happy hour every Friday evening and describing it will better explain what I mean by "formal." I love happy hour since it signals affordable food and drinks, and usually, a younger crowd. In Portland and really everywhere else in the US, it means a variety of people--business types in suits just out of the office, college kids in jeans and tshirts meeting friends over a PBR, etc. You could wear a studded leather jacket or a suit jacket and be just fine. Not here. Almost all of the guys/men were wearing Bermuda shorts (basically suit shorts), button down shirts or well-ironed polos, suit jackets, knee socks, and dress shoes, and the many of the girls were in cocktail dresses! at 5 in the afternoon on a Friday! A slight difference, to say the least.

This was our hotel. It was pink to match the sand. The sand (sadly) wasn't hot pink or anything, but it definitely had a distinct salmon-colored tinge. Our hotel wasn't on the beach and you had to ferry to another hotel across the bay to get to the beach so I failed to get pictures. Yeah, fail.

More hotel views. I could have stayed longer, certainly. The other best part was the High Tea we had upon arrival. You could chose between the seasonal food selection and the rum one and then pick your choice of tea. It was phenomenal. More on the that later once I snag photos from my mom's camera! For now, a few more Bermuda photos:

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