Tuesday, March 22, 2011

January Recipes: Soup

In January I was really stressed. What with insane holiday hours, barely getting to see my family at Christmas, and trying to job hunt while still working, I wasn't so happy. Then, to make things worse, I got sick and had to do inventory. Two days in a row 6 pm-2 am and 8 pm-4 am. No fun. Point here being, I was feeling gross and for some insane reason craving soup. I have never really been into chicken noodle, I still find creamy soups unpleasant sounding, and I figured I needed something a little bit heartier than miso soup.

Kind of Hot and Sour / Miso Soup

-¾ veggie broth container (1 ltr container)

-4 cups water

-1/4 onion

-3 cloves garlic, smashed

-2 smallish pieces ginger, cut in half

-bring to a boil

-1 (or almost) head of broccoli, cut into little pieces

-1 baby daikon washed and roughly chopped

-1 zucchini chopped

-add all these to the broth

-1/4-1/2 and onion, finely chopped

-3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped/minced

-1 inch piece ginger, minced

-olive oil

-heat oil in a pan, add onion, once softened add the garlic and ginger

-1/8 c rice wine vinegar

-18 c soy sauce

-pinch of sugar

-combine those three and add to onions etc

Once cooked, add everything to the big pot.

Then Add:

-1/3 pack of tofu drained and chopped

-1 tablespoon/teaspoon of miso paste

-teaspoon red chili paste

-sprinkling of red chili flakes

boil for a bit more til everything is done

A Combo of these two:



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