Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthday Brunch

I have pretty limited photos because we got distracted by the eating and gorgeous sunshine. However, it was a great example of how to host brunch and still sleep in. Since I was planning to go out dancing the night before, I wanted something really easy to make so that I could have a relaxing birthday morning. My roommate and other friend decided to go all out and do eggs Florentine (as pictured above--how cute are my heart-shaped egg poachers, huh?! I'm still obsessed) and we ended up with an amazing amount of bacon.
Someone else brought the best sausages (pictured above. I could eat all of those right now, oh man) I have ever had and there was lots of juice and champagne (of course). I made champagne cupcakes that can be found here. Those also look a lot prettier than mine...heh. BUT I had Disney Princess Sparkle Frosting. That's right, SPARKLY FROSTING. IT REALLY SPARKLED! It was awesome.
See the sparkles?? And yes, my cupcakes just might say "I win" on them...I also had decorating help. Sadly I forgot to take photos of my actual contribution to the meal and the point of this post. I've made it before in bailey's form like the original version but this one was better:

Boozy Berry Baked French Toast
as adapted from Smitten Kitchen's version

-1 loaf supermarket French or Italian bread (I used Fred Meyer's "Bakery French Loaf"--aka the cheapest one...*but not the baguette)
-3 C milk. I used 1% and it tasted magnificent and rich so I see no need for the whole milk she calls for. I also never have whole milk on hand.
-3 eggs
-2 T sugar
-pinch of salt
-frozen raspberries (maybe 1/2-1 C)
-frozen blackberries (1/4 C)
-raspberry liqueur of any kind. I believe I have a knock off of chambord or framboise but it tastes just as good. I have no idea how much I used but I will explain that in the directions below.

1. Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish with butter.
2. Cut about 3/4 of the bread into thick slices and smush them together in the pan to make a packed layer. Cut more bread as needed to fill the pan and cut on into smaller slices to fill the gaps.
3. Pack berries into the other gaps and sprinkle some on top for good measure.
4. Whisk milk, eggs, sugar, and salt together and pour over bread.
5. Drizzle raspberry liqueur over the bread. *Note: put some in a cup or spouted measuring cup so drizzling is easier. You don't want a ton of this stuff because it's so sweet. Think of it as the caramel ribbon in ice cream--it's not a layer of caramel, but almost every bite has a little. That's the best way I can think of to describe how much to use...
6. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
7. In the morning, preheat the oven to 425 and bake for about 30 min or until puffy and golden on top. Serve with maple syrup and gloat over how easy and delicious it is.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to try this one! Thanks for the recipe and for all your natural help in my kitchen this past weekend! You are the best!
